Thursday, September 16, 2010

"Religion, Race, & Region", or "Religion in Southern Politics"

A research topic has been reached. I began thinking I would research Christian-Atheist Relations in the South. However, I do not care about Christian Atheist relations, except in its impact.

It has been said: Religion is like a Penis. It's great, but don't pull it out in public, no matter how proud of it you are. And never try to shove it down other peoples throats.

The rubber of religion meets the road in politics. The South is wrought with laws imposing particular faith's beliefs. This is where I intend to research.

My areas of intrest include: Genealogy of MoralsBlack Liberation Theology, and Blue Laws.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Southern Religion

So, to begin an evaluation of religion in the Southern United States we must find who and what is Southern Religion.

The "mythical norm", as Audre Lorde might say, is Protestant, but specifically Conservative Evangelical Protestantism. They are often described as the conservative right in political forums. Those persons that proudly 'cling' to their religion and guns.

It is not enough to discuss the faith alone, but as we strive to study religion in culture we can add some other qualities to our "mythical norm".One of those include 'white', but the south tends to be unique with its' Black Belt.  I would also add: middle class, male, and able bodied. Education level is an area that I will unpack later. The South is a unique region in the education level respect, see again Black Belt.

I am getting a bit ahead of myself, as we have not yet established "The South". The Census Regions and are not what most persons, both insiders and outsiders, consider the South. Do we count the states that cesceeded, or just the 13 states represented on the "Confederate Battle Flag". So, my first goal will be to define, "my South", or something like it.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Religious Studies

I took to the task of studying religions in the Spring of 2008. I came with questions. Along the way, I acquired a coffee cup, a ton of pencils, and more questions. The more I "do" religious studies the more I find how 'problematic' it can be. I also realize how freeing Nihilism can be.